We were very excited to announce the CCDM programming club nearly two weeks ago. The first meeting was (I think) quite successful, and I’m looking forward to seeing where we go.

Rob first suggested the idea to me (Darcy) while we were talking about learning new programming languages at the Curtin University hacky hour. The initial idea was for kind of a “show and tell” to showcase new languages, packages, data structures, algorithms, some code we’d written etc. But the idea quickly turned to a more “hands on” direction, based around code sharing and review, live coding examples, and shared projects. Although we’d still love to learn new languages (ahem Haskell and Rust. Cough, cough, excuse me) and do some complicated stuff, we felt that this direction would encourage newer programmers to join in and satisfy the training gap between basic software carpentry and more advanced topics.

For now, I’m just happy to have an excuse to talk about coding and algorithms with other interested people! I hope you will be too if you come :)

Cheers, Darcy