
  • Tips for absolute beginners.

    Today we identified some important barriers to our group progressing forward. It seems like we need to take a step back and get our beginners up to speed, and to set some clearer expectations of what you should do between sessions.

  • Potential project ideas

    This week we’ll be discussing potential project ideas that we might like to tackle as a group. You are encouraged to bring along your ideas, but to get the discussion started James, Rob and I (Darcy) have come up with a few ideas for projects that we think might be appropriate.

  • Welcome to the CCDM programming club!

    We were very excited to announce the CCDM programming club nearly two weeks ago. The first meeting was (I think) quite successful, and I’m looking forward to seeing where we go.

  • Tips for python beginners.

    In Programming club we are taking a “learn by doing and sharing” approach. However we acknowledge that for a new-comer, learning where to find information can be intimidating. With that in mind, here’s a list of useful packages/links to get you started with python in the sort of space that we’re working in.